Sunday, December 19, 2010

Pitchfork's Top Albums of 2010

Ah. The list every hipster/young folk/casual music fan/music critic/other has been waiting for. You know about Pitchfork. I know about Pitchfork. Blah blah blah. Here's the list. (Top ten after the jump.)

10. Titus Andronicus--The Monitor
Works for me. Could be higher.
9. Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti--Before Today
Unsurprising. Don't agree.
8. James Blake--The Bells Sketch/CMYK/Klavierwerke
All three EPs are amazing... But three separate EPs do not equal an album. I do not approve of this, Pitchfork.
7. Joanna Newsom--Have One On Me
Two lists in a row put her at #7.
6. Vampire Weekend--Contra
I'm a little surprised, I must say. And of course I disagree.
5. Beach House--Teen Dream
Yeah, okay.
4. Big Boi--Sir Lucious Left Foot: The Son of Chico Dusty
Boy am I glad I'm almost done with typing that album name.
3. Deerhunter--Halcyon Digest
I still like Microcastle.
2. LCD Soundsystem--This Is Happening
1. Kanye West--My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy
If this hadn't been #1 after getting a 10.0, well, that wouldn't have been good.

Nice surprise to find Returnal in the top twenty. Not nice surprise to find many of my favs in the Honorable Mention pile or nowhere at all (Gonjasufi, anyone?). Whatever. Solid list.


  1. Back in the day, Yankee Hotel Foxtrot got a 10 and then lost to Interpol (Turn on the Bright Lights). Super Pitchfork move

  2. Eminem's Recovery which was the highest selling album of 2010 isn't even in the top 10?
